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Asking Hard Questions

Writer's picture: Tina ShoreyTina Shorey

Come to me and I will give you rest.

Matthew 11:28-30

Today is the first day of throwing open windows and letting in warm late spring air.

Quarantine (and a very late spring) has made the pandemic stretch out lonely and disconnected.

As I flung open windows the sounds of life crash in. My neighbors are (yet again) fighting. Loud screaming, angry words thrown down, doors slamming.

It's not that I live in a bubble. Every day my job requires I encounter hurt, loss, pain, and need.

I’m just weary of the pain, the triggers, the fear.

I'm betting that your world looks much the same!

It seems now more than ever; the world is crying out for answers to hard questions. Why is this happening?

When will it end?

How am I going to survive?

What next?

Why did he)she have to die?

As Christians, some feel it is a sin, a showing of weak faith to ask “why” to God. After all, if you trust God you should be content to accept whatever gets dished out without complaint, right?

But…deep down we have fears, doubts, and worries.

Somewhere between baptism and last week's prayer meeting we got the idea that God can't handle our tough questions. In fact, He is displeased by them.

And yet.

The death toll rises.

Income is lost.

Fear of an unseen killer increases.

Abuse, addiction, suicide is on the rise as people everywhere struggle to find answers, or choose to stop walking through impossible situations.

Oh friend. Now more than ever we need to understand that we have a Father who longs to hold us, comfort us, and yes, desires for us to speak out loud our “why” questions!

You don't have to take my word for it! Go read the Psalms! David spent a lot of time asking God why! And God thought it was such an important experience, such a normal human response to hard situations that He made sure they got published in a Book that would last throughout Earth's history!

I love this quote from Austin French:

"God isn't afraid of my hard questions. Asking “why” doesn't make me a bad Christian it makes me a kid, and He's my Dad."

Abba knows the struggle, fear, and uncertainty of this life because His son lived here!

Listen to what He says:

"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” Matthew 11:28-38 MSG

Watch the video below. Listen to the words, reflect on the “why” questions you have been afraid to speak for fear of what others, what God might think. Release them into Abba's embrace and hear His whisper...."come, I know you are carrying a heavy burden. I promise that I will give you rest."



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